maggiehunterbrown Unsung voices and other melodies…

maggiehunterbrown Unsung voices and other melodies…

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Henry & The Mrs.

September 21, 2012 , , ,

Henry is a really laid back Texas Longhorn, as is his little woman. She stands out in the crowd, with that quirky left horn of hers. This was her last summer, it turns out. Her kids were already yearlings by that summer. You can still find Henry in the outfields – solemn and noble. I admire their farmer, Bill and family. She was buried out back, as a sign of respect. If ever there was a farming family that deserves our support, it is these guys. They pay a great deal of respect to their animals, and it shows. I would rather have a farmer family like this next door, any day, than one of our drone corporate neighbours. It is reciprosity of the “valued” kind.

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